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Eugen Doga is having his first tour in Canada and the U.S.A.

 NEWS! Eugen Doga is having his first tour in Canada and the U.S.A. as part of the first festival of the Romanian language in North America (15-18 of August).

 The Romanian Cultural Institute in New York (RCINY) is the main organizer of the first Romanian Language Festival in Canada and the United States, between August 15 – 18, 2015, a series of three musical and literary performances that will take place in Montreal (Saturday, August 15, Cote-des-Neiges Hall, 3 PM), Ottawa (Sunday, August 16, Freiman Hall, University of Ottawa, 6 PM), and New York City (Tuesday, August 18, RCINY, Auditorium Hall, 7.30 PM).

FOTO. Montreal. 15.08.2015

Music of master Eugen Doga performed in North America. TRM. 17.08.2015

Foto. Ottawa. 17.08.2015

GALERIE FOTO. Cum a fost întâmpinat Eugen Doga la New York. 21.08.2015

Muzicianul Eugen Doga, cap de afiş la Montreal, Otawa şi New York. 22.08.2015

Eugen Doga – în primul turneu în America de Nord. TRM. 22.08.2015

TV Moldova 1: Eugen Doga şi-a încheiat primul turneu în America de Nord, participând la Festivalul Limbii Române. Flacaratv. 24.08.2015

Festivalul Limbii Române în Canada și SUA. Institutul Cultural Român. 24.08.2015

In this triple event will take part the great composer and virtuoso Eugen Doga (whose work came with great success in European and international circuit of musical values; his famous “Waltz” was declared part of the UNESCO heritage), the well-known panpipe player and conductor Vasile Iovu, the writer and screenwriter Luminița Dumbrăveanu, and the director and TV personality Teodor Guțu, all four of them from Republic of Moldova. The “cast” is rounded by Ala Mîndicanu, the president of Communaute Moldave du Quebec, which over the years has organized several cultural and artistic events for the Romanian communities in Canada, and who is the author of “Dor de libertate” (Longing for Freedom, 2007).

The Romanian Language Festival’s performances are organized by RCINY with the Romanian Cultural Association from Montreal, Communaute Moldave du Quebec, and Flacăra Film Studious from Chișinau, and are intended to both Romanian communities and the public of any national origin living in Canada and the US.

In Romania, the Romanian Language Day is celebrated on August 31, each year, from 2013, at the same date as Our Language, a similar celebration in Republic of Moldova.

Festivalul Limbii Române în Canada și SUA. Romanian cultural institute

ICR – Mediafax: Artiştii Eugen Doga şi Vasile Iovu vor concerta în Canada şi SUA (15-18 august). Flacaratv 

Compozitorul Eugen Doga, printre invitaţii Festivalului Limbii Române, organizat în SUA şi Canada. Adevarul

The 1st Romanian Language Festival in Canada & The United States.

Comunicat de presă - ICR New York. Agenția Națională de Presă

MoldovaORG: Eugen Doga trece oceanul! Prima ediție a Festivalului Limbii Române în SUA și Canada /INTERVIU. Flacaratv 

Festivalul Limbii Române în Canada și SUA, prima ediție. Comunitatea Moldovenilor din Quebec

Masters Eugen Doga and Vasile Iovu get ready for Romanian Language Festival. Teleradio Moldova

Eugen Doga va cânta la Festivalul Limbii Române din Canada şi SUA. Adevarul. 13.08.2015

Eugen Doga va concerta pentru prima dată pe continentul american. Timpul. 15.08.2015


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